Herbal Tea for Grief, Love and Letting Go

Discover the intersection of herbalism, plant medicine and the mind-gut connection. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, our organs are mapped to emotions. Uncover what organs are mapped to anger, grief, love and jealousy. In this post you, you’ll learn about how to support your body's natural rhythms: improving gut health, immunity, grief, stress and anxiety, anger, and letting go. You'll be provided with practical tips on herbs that support your body and bring strength!

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This is Your Brain on Plants: Exploring Plant Medicine and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy with Your Body’s Natural Rhythms

Welcome to This is Your Brain on Plants with me, Laura Rubin, and Gwen Pelfini. In our first episode of This is Your Brain on Plants, we explore the topic of the body's natural cycles, particularly for women, and how this is connected to nature and the moon. Learn about the Ayurvedic philosophy around women's cycles. Understand herbs that are supportive of this and what to be aware of when engaging in psychoactive plant medicine.

Discover the intersection of herbalism and psychedelic-assisted therapy. Learn about plant medicine to strengthen the mind-gut connection. Support your body's natural rhythms: improving gut health, immunity, stress and anxiety, cognitive function, mental clarity, sleep, hormonal health, and so much more!

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5 Snack Foods that can cause Bloating, Cramping and Gut Health Issues: and Mindful Eating Tips to Support You

When I work with clients, people are often surprised that these foods below can be big gut health triggers. With all of these foods, it's of course about moderation and understanding what works with your body. The goal here is to have intuitive gut-restorative eating! This is all about cultivating an awareness and an abundance of what gives your gut joy: not to think about it as a restriction. Read on to learn more about these snacks. Then tune into your own gut’s intuition through the guided mindful eating exercises that you can journal and reflect on!

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Chamomile: An Herbal Guide to this Amazing Plant

Chamomile is one of the most globally recognized herbs, known for its ability to rest and digest. It is instantly soothing and supports digestion by being a mild bitter and antispasmodic. It is supreme for calming the nervous system and helps with sleep. It’s good for nervous tension, especially with children, pets or those who complain a lot.

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Herbs for Digestion, Herbal Monographs Laura Rubin Herbs for Digestion, Herbal Monographs Laura Rubin

Marshmallow Root: An Herbal Guide to Digestion and Immune Health

Marshmallow is an actual plant that has been used for over 2,000 years! In the divinity of herbs, Althaea is a high priestess for the digestive system. The root has rich prebiotic fiber (inulin) that supports the digestive flora, and it is a supreme demulcent herb that both soothes and repairs the mucosal lining of the digestive tract.

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